I want you to keep this at a PG level. Sweet Romantic Pick-Up Lines. Fmcnu4f Gmgbzm Oh you look so pretty that you made me forget my pickup line. . You must be a broom cause you just swept me off my feet. Do you like cheese. Your name must be Daisy because I have the urge to plant you right here. Does that mean Ill never win the best ever cuddler title. The Joker This is a funny Cutest pickup line. Youre the cutest boygirl in Ive seen in a bra top made out of reclaimed wood all day and Ive seen about 33. When nothin works or you are underconfident then all you need cheesy pick up lines that are meant to make your crush laugh. Cute Pick Up Lines. Just go up and introduce yourself. Your hand looks heavy can i hold it for you. You Must Be Worried Now That Donald Trump is President Because He Would Deport You Back to Heaven. Oh you look so pretty that you made me forget my pickup line. ...